Monthly Archives: September 2021

October screening at the 2021 NECPS Show in Massachussetts

Greetings, all!

I’m very pleased to announce that the 2021 New England Carnivorous Plant Society Show will be hosting a screening of the documentary on Saturday, October 2nd from 3:00-4:00PM. This will be a slightly truncated version, for time, but I will be available to answer questions at the tail end of the film.

I’m so grateful to them for allowing us to screen, and I’m very excited to return to the Tower Hill Botancal Garden in Boylston, MA for this amazing event. I encourage anyone within driving distance to attend if you can. There’s so much to see, so much to learn, and there will be plenty of vendors on hand to offer a wide variety of plants to buy. I do hope to see some of you there!

More info is at the Tower Hill Botanical Garden’s website at

Pertinent info pasted below: